Young Learner Drivers helped by the RACQ

RACQ have a learning to drive website called “Learn2Go”, which has great information on getting a Learner’s licence (L plate), getting a Provisional license (P plate), as well as handy checklists for keeping up with which driving skills you have mastered, and those you need to work on.

Choosing a Supervisor or Instructor

RACQ also offer sound advice on choosing a Driving Instructor and choosing a Supervisor (you can have both of course). Let’s hope you’ve got access to a patient and helpful supervising driver…  If you haven’t got a regular supervisor who holds a Class C open license for at least one year, perhaps it is best to hire a patient and accredited driving instructor for those much-needed skill-building driving lessons. Look no further than Northside Driver Training, where all our instructors are accredited and have many years of instruction experience.

The RACQ also gives free 12-month memberships to 16 and 17-year olds (called Free2Go) which helps out with roadside assistance, free L or P driver plates, and discounts on vehicle inspections/car insurance, retail discounts, free maps, etc. Free2Go membership with RACQ is also offered half price for 18 and 19 year olds.

Lessen Your Youth Driving Risks

And if you’re a responsible young driver who wants to lessen their risks (and prevent your parents having stress and worry over your driving), then the Risks and Facts guide is for you. Some of the advice for avoiding becoming a road statistic is very straightforward:

  • Always watch your speed

  • Wear a seatbelt (that applies to everyone in the car),

  • Don’t drink/take drugs before driving or allow a driver to,

  • Don’t use any mobile phone while driving (even hands-free), and

  • Don’t drive when tired.

As an ‘oldie’ it’s been my pleasure to teach many young people to drive and see them graduate through the practical driving skills. But I still remember hearing of the horrific crashes in my teen years and in every case, it was a lapse in one of the above that killed a friend (except for mobiles, we didn’t have them then). Stay safe, and keep alert while driving.

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